
2-Minute Gamificated Trainings that

Reshape Behavior

Engage in rapid, interactive cybersecurity training that equip your team with the skills to navigate safely in the digital world. With 94% of users loving our trainings, every click becomes a conscious choice for security.

Engaging Video Library

Explore our library of 60+ custom-made, 2-minute 2D videos that make learning about cybersecurity quick and enjoyable

One-Click Learning Access

Users can easily access their assigned training sessions with a single click, thanks to our streamlined training portal

Positive User Feedback

Our training materials are a hit! Users love our bite-sized videos, designed to enhance learning without taking up their day

Seamless Traınıng Management

Assign with Ease, Track with Precision

Unıque Approach to Learnıng

Customized Training, Proven Effectiveness

Exclusive Cybersecurity Curriculum
Real Impact, Real Feedback

User-Approved Training Experience

Training that Transforms Mindsets and Enhances Skills

Users Speak Up

Our training platform shines with positive feedback from users who have seen real improvements in their cybersecurity awareness

Fit Education Into Your Day

Busy schedules are no barrier to learning; our users love the adaptability of our training modules to their time

Never Fall Behind

Phishy's reminder system ensures assigned training is completed, keeping all team members on track with their cybersecurity training

Transformative Results

Our training materials do not just educate; they lead to positive changes in behavior, making workplaces safer from cyber threats

Ready to See Phishy in Action?